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                Welcome in Shaoxing Echem Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd. Official website!Favorites|Contact|Chinese|English

                Current position:Home > Company Profile

                Shaoxing Echem Biopharma Technology Co., Ltd. is a modern technological innovation enterprise that produces and develops series of biological coupling reagents, biotin labeling reagents, pharmaceutical intermediates, fluorescent labeling reagents and other fine specialty chemicals and new materials. The company relies on strong technical advantages and advanced and strict management system, pragmatic and efficient style and honest and reliable reputation to provide users with the highest quality products and services

                The company currently has three types of products: biotin labeling reagents, fluorescent labeling reagents, diagnostic chromogens, biological buffer solutions and biological coupling reagents and other diagnostic reagent raw materials, pharmaceutical intermediates and cholic acid series. Among them, the raw and auxiliary materials for diagnostic reagents, cocarboxylase and other pharmaceutical intermediates and cholic acid series are the company’s main new products. These products have unique properties. In recent years, their application fields have been expanding and developing rapidly. They have been rapidly used in many fields. Form research and development hotspots. In addition, the company also relies on its own R&D advantages to provide users with various important pharmaceutical intermediates and fluorescent dyes.

                The purpose of the company: "Quality first, customer first", market-oriented, technology as the core, pioneering and enterprising. Welcome customers at home and abroad to visit and negotiate business with us, and we are willing to develop together with you to create brilliant.

                • QUALITY ASSURANCE

                  Facing the new market competition situation and the pattern of global economic integration, Yikemu Chemical will adhere to the development concept of "Quality Determines Strength"

                • TECHNOLGY SUPERB

                  A modern technological innovation enterprise integrating production, development and after-sales service of new materials, relying on strong technological advantages and advanced and strict management system

                • EXPERIENCE RICH

                  In recent years, its application fields have been expanding and developing rapidly, and it has rapidly formed research and development hotspots in many fields.

                • QUALITY SERVICE

                  Practical and efficient style and credibility to provide users with the best quality products and services